Neutron Science Roadmap
for Research Infrastructures 2025-2028 by the Swiss Neutron Science Community
This community roadmap presents a broad overview of the current status of neutron science in Switzerland and derives a set of recommendations for future developments. It is the result of a community effort led by the Swiss Neutron Science Society (SNSS) with the main objectives to survey and analyse the unique contributions that neutron probes provide across scientific and technological fields and disciplines; and provisions needed to ensure continuing and sustainable success.
The roadmap represents the view of the Swiss scientific community in the field of neutron science and is a formal element of the process to elaborate the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2023. This bottom-up contribution to the identification and selection of important national and international research infrastructures has been coordinated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) on a mandate by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
Ausgabe / Band: Swiss Academies Reports 16 (7)
Seitenangabe: 40
Standard-Nummer: DOI:
Swiss Academies Reports
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- Agreement on Access and Benefit-sharing for Academic Research
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- Kreislaufwirtschaft - Die Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen
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- Lösungsansätze für die Schweiz im Konfliktfeld erneuerbare Energien und Raumnutzung
- Denk-Schrift Energie
Henrik Rønnow
Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (EPFL SB IPHYS LQM)
Bâtiment PH, Station 3
1015 Lausanne