TRAINING (2.4.1)

Mit der Initiative für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung treibt die SCNAT gemeinsam mit ihren Schwesterinstitutionen die Wissenschaft zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung und zur Agenda 2030 voran. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richtet sie auf die gemeinsame Bearbeitung gesellschaftlich prioritärer Fragen in übergreifenden Konsortien.mehr

Bild: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.commehr

Umgang mit Synergien, Zielkonflikten und transversalen Fragen

Dealing with Synergies, Trade-offs, and Common Threads - Priority themes sustainability research
Bild: Hansjakob Fehr

Anhand von sechs prioritären Themen legt das «Whitepaper Nachhaltigkeitsforschung» den dringendsten Forschungsbedarf der Schweiz im Hinblick auf die Erfüllung der UNO Nachhaltigkeitsziele dar.

Das übergeordnete Ziel einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung erfordert die gleichzeitige Verfolgung vieler wichtiger Ziele. Diese Ziele bieten häufig einen gemeinsamen Nutzen, können aber auch Zielkonflikte beinhalten. Um die Fortschritte bei der Verwirklichung der SDGs zu beschleunigen, ist es erforderlich, solche Beziehungsgeflechte besser zu verstehen. Eine systemische Forschung, die darauf abzielt, Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Nachhaltigkeitszielen zu identifizieren, zu verstehen und zu priorisieren, ist dringend erforderlich.

Key unresolved questions

How should science identify which interrelations need
to be considered, at what scale, and including which
indirect effects? How and under what circumstances
can the complexity of interrelated sustainability goals be reduced? Which methods and tools can support this
– How can experts in science and practice systemically account for synergies and trade-offs among goals, e.g.
when developing transformation options or progress
monitoring at the subnational, national, and interna -
tional level?

Key questions include:
– How can synergies and trade-offs related to change strategies of different sectors be anticipated and dealt with?
Are there exemplary case studies relating to the five priorities presented in this white paper?
– Which political and administrative systems are addressed by the five topics? How can collaboration be designed to cope with the complex interdependencies implicit in the respective sustainable development
– How can the private sector be enlisted to respect the key
potential synergistic and conflicting sustainability goals affected by their concrete business activities?

Key questions include:

– What scientific evidence is there about interactions between the priority topics presented here and about underlying causalities? Are these simple causalities or
complex systems of causes, e.g. forming positive and
negative feedback loops? Are causalities identified in a specific case and socio-ecological context generalizable, independent of case and context?
– How can science address the causal links between priority topics in a systemic way? How can science account for underlying causalities in the practice of everyday research? For instance, how can be ensured that a concept of wealth developed in one priority area is considered
in other areas? How can new economic paradigms and actions suggested in one area be prevented from creating new dilemmas in the way the economy is understood elsewhere?

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