TRAINING (2.4.1)

With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.di più

Immagine: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.comdi più

Swiss Neutron Science Society (SNSS)

The SNSS promotes applications and further developments in the field of neutron scattering.
It supports young researchers and fosters exchange with national and international scientific organisations and industry.

Swiss Neutron Science Society (SNSS) è membro di SCNAT, Piattaforma Matematica, Astronomia e Fisica (Piattaforma MAP)


Swiss Neutron Science Society (SNSS)
Paul Scherrer Institute
5232 Villigen