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The challenges of sustainability: video highlights the need for action
Which research topics should be prioritised to best support our committment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? What is the role of science on this path towards a more just and sustainable society?
Image: Akademien der Wissenschaften SchweizNachhaltige Entwicklung gezielt unterstützen: Whitepaper zeigt Weg für die Forschung
Welche Forschung die nachhaltige Entwicklung der Gesellschaft in der Schweiz bestmöglich unterstützt, legen Forschende im «Whitepaper Nachhaltigkeitsforschung» der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz dar. Zusammen mit Personen aus Wissenschaft, Regierung, NGOs und dem privaten Sektor identifizieren sie sechs prioritäre Themen wie Ernährungssysteme, lebendige Räume oder Wertewandel. Das Whitepaper soll der Forschungscommunity als Wegweiser dienen, um gezielt vernetzte Forschungsprojekte zu entwickeln und zu finanzieren.
Image: Hansjakob FehrPriority Themes for Swiss Sustainability Research
Using six priority themes, the "White Paper on Sustainability Research" outlines Switzerland's most urgent research needs in order to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The priority themes were developed by 30 experts from science and practice on the basis of a broad-based dialogue with over 100 stakeholders from science, business, administration and civil society.
Image: Swiss Academies of Arts and SciencesPriorities for sustainable development research
Under the leadership of SCNAT, the Sustainability Research Initiative is developing priority topics for sustainable development research in Switzerland. At a review meeting in early July, several well-known experts gave the draft research agenda very good marks. They especially appreciated the systemic approach and encouraged the authors to place even more focus on pathways towards transformation.
Image: Wikipedia