TRAINING (2.4.1)

With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.more

Image: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.commore

Priority Themes for Swiss Sustainability Research

Launch of the SRI white paper


17:00 - 19:00



What are the priority issues in the context of the 2030 Agenda that science must address? This question has been explored by the Initiative for Sustainability Research. On December 8, we launched the resulting white paper.

Podiumsteilnehmer SRI white paper launch event

In the course of about 18 months and in a participatory process, we identified and developped priority themes for sustainability research in Switzerland. On December 8, we launched the resulting white paper. The main authors presented highlights in an expert talk, before we put the topics up for broader discussion with key players.

The recording of the livestream is provided below.


17.00 Welcome & Introduction
Marcel Tanner (President, Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences)
Peter Edwards (President, Steering Group Sustainability Research)

17.15 Expert talk on the priority themes
Urs Niggli (
Heike Mayer (University of Bern)
Michael Stauffacher (ETH Zurich)
Marc Chesney (University of Zurich)
Marlyne Sahakian (University of Geneva)
Christian Pohl (ETH Zurich)

17.45 Panel discussion
Michael Hengartner (President, ETH Board)
Katharina Michaelowa (Presidium of the Research Council, SNF)
Maria Stoll (ARE, Sustainable Development Section)
Elgin Brunner (Head of Transformational Programmes, WWF Switzerland)
Florian Egli (Member, Swiss Young Academy)

Moderator of the two rounds of talks: Thomas Häusler, SRF

18.45 Summary and outlook
Philippe Moreillon (President, Swiss Academy of Sciences)

Prioritäre Themen für die Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in der Schweiz - Livestream deutsch

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Image: Hansjakob Fehr



Dr. Gabriela Wülser
Steering Committee Sustainability Research
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern

Virtual event.
Languages: German, French