TRAINING (2.4.1)

With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.more

Image: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.commore

Climate effect and CO2 equivalent emissions of short-lived substances

Climatologists have developed a method for calculating CO2 equivalents that more realistically captures the time course of the climate impact of methane or other short-lived substances than the conversion currently used in international climate agreements. This report presents the new metric and identifies issues for which the climate impact of methane should be reassessed.

Climate effect and CO2 equivalent emissions of short-lived substances


  • Methane


Dr. Urs Neu
ProClim − Forum for Climate and Global Change (ProClim)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern

English, German, French