TRAINING (2.4.1)

With the Sustainability Research Initiative, SCNAT, together with its sister institutions, promotes research on sustainable development and 2030 Agenda. It focuses on the joint handling of social issues of higher priority in overarching consortia.more

Image: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.commore

Policy and science: joining forces for a sustainable future

How should science participate in shaping a sus­tain­able future? How can politics, administration and science work together to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals? These questions were the focus of the event on 14 November 2023, a combination of the ARE's "Dialogue 2030" and the SCNAT's "Sustainability Science Forum". The video of the event is now online!

Sustainability Science Forum 2023
Image: ARE

The event was jointly organised by the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) and the Sustainability Research Initiative of SCNAT. The Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Switzerland (SDSN) were event partners.

Policy and science: joining forces for a sustainable future



Dr. Gabriela Wülser
Steering Committee Sustainability Research
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern